Rupert Giles

Rupert Giles comes from a family of watchers-buth his father and his grandmother also served in that capacity-and he was told at the age of ten that he too would become one, which disappointed him since he had plans to either be a fighter pilot or a grocer.

He attended Oxford University, where one of his friends fought a She-Mantis and lost both the battle and his sanity. Giles eventually rejected the family destiny and dropped out of Oxford , choosing instead to dabble in the occult-he and five friends summoned a demon called Eyghon to the earth. Only two of that group survive, the others have been killed by the demon.

He was the curator at a museum in England, possibly the Brittish museum, prior to being assigned by the watchers to Buffy. He also plays the guitar though one suspects it's been a while since he picked the thing up, can read five languages "on a good day" , has some skill in fencing and in shooting a tranquilizer gun and lists cross-fencing among his favortite hobbies.

Giles is presently the school librarian for Sunnydale High . It is presumed that he has either a mastsr's degree in library science or the Brittish equivalent in order to qualify for his current position. It is also presumed that Principal Flutie gave him broad discretion in choosing the contents of the library, since it includes several ancient texts that would seem out of place in an ordinary school library - these are extremely useful when he needs information to help Buffy fight a particular demon or counter the latest plot from the Master, Spike , Drusilla or Angel.


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